The View - Cheeky for a Reason
Releasing an album every year is a rarity nowadays, and given the change of perspective that 2011's Bread and Circuses produced for me, a risky endeavour indeed. In them good old days it was common of course for bands to showcase multiple albums a year, but then the commercial aspect of it wasn't too taxing, and promotional deals and touring demands were fewer inbetween. For the View, however, this is their fourth album in five years, and whilst they've never really pulled off a classic, the quality remains consistently good (odd blip Which Bitch? aside). Being a UK indie band of course the claims and brags are equally persistent; lead singer Kyle Falconer described Cheeky for a Reason's sound as "Fleetwood Mac's Rumours done by The Clash". A far more apt description may be "Oasis's songs done by not-Oasis", but then again Beady Eye were just terrible weren't they? 'How Long' gets the album going with gusto and a bit ...