The Strokes - Comedown Machine
As far as album titles go, this is worryingly indicative. The New York indie gods' return in 2011 with the at-best mishmash Angles was effectively torn to shreds by the music press and whilst the furore was slightly exaggerated and undeserved - Under Cover of Darkness was beautiful - it was a large step down from the three records which made their name. Whilst the die-hard fans bicker over which album is best, we all know that it's Is This It , and therefore any attempt by Casablancas and co. to deviate from the lo-fi, chirpy indie line is unavoidably going to be met with tentative displeasure. Certainly, their numerous side projects - solo (Julian, Albert) and otherwise (Little Joy) - weakened down the culture shock, and the electronic elements of Angles were accepted as progress. Yet, to begin experimenting always risks the songwriting side of things suffering. The first cut released from Comedown Machine was 'One Way Trigger', the wildly eccentric series of...