Death Grips - Government Plates

Whether or not this actually is their third studio album, it feels weird that an act as new and fresh as Death Grips are already at that third stage. Following their progress since The Money Store (and I'm sure that's far too late on for me to have an opinion, for some people) has been entertaining to say the least: whether acting like dicks or photographing them, the band are probably the most talked-about right now. They've always had the material to back it up, though: The Money Store is by far their strongest album, and NO LOVE DEEP WEB had plenty of stand-out moments that make it more fun to listen to than the debut. A year on from that, though, and the usual downward spiral of backlash, trend-followers finding other new flavours, and label complaints has left their second surprise release greeted a little lukewarmly. In a 2013 Autumn that was all about sudden releases (behave) - a month exactly before the Beyoncé spectacle - perhaps the biggest talking point ...