I don't remember a lot of blogging from my previous encounters. I was 16, naive, and generally a little extreme with my opinions, that, if I were to show you now would make even Karen Matthews blush. But alas, since then I've decided upon a life of writing. I often cross people who assert that journalism is a very cliché career choice and to be quite honest I think they're right. My knowledge of the field is minimal to say the least. I don't know who Pulitzer was, I rarely read newspapers (let alone broadsheets, good heavens) and 3 articles of the Opinions section later on and it's dozing off from Shaun. And then I discovered my main passion in life - music. I can rant and rave about music until the cows come home; I enjoy all sorts of genres, all shapes and sizes of artist and immerse myself fully in the most exploration one can muster. I break laws in the process, something which I am unsure whether is a sign of the times or a personal display of laziness and depr...