Starting out.

I don't remember a lot of blogging from my previous encounters. I was 16, naive, and generally a little extreme with my opinions, that, if I were to show you now would make even Karen Matthews blush.

But alas, since then I've decided upon a life of writing. I often cross people who assert that journalism is a very cliché career choice and to be quite honest I think they're right. My knowledge of the field is minimal to say the least. I don't know who Pulitzer was, I rarely read newspapers (let alone broadsheets, good heavens) and 3 articles of the Opinions section later on and it's dozing off from Shaun.

And then I discovered my main passion in life - music. I can rant and rave about music until the cows come home; I enjoy all sorts of genres, all shapes and sizes of artist and immerse myself fully in the most exploration one can muster. I break laws in the process, something which I am unsure whether is a sign of the times or a personal display of laziness and depravation.

So the thought came to musical journalism. I read musical magazines often, Q and NME namely, and was devastated to discover the nature in which they're written. Words and phrases such as "urban tasters" and "juxtaposing lyrics" are entwined with absurd metaphors ("this album sounds like a monk taking a shit in the Petronas Towers!") - this threw me off course entirely. Ironically tonight I've been called a music snob myself, but I can't help but feel inadequate when I put down the latest album review. I suppose writing, month after month, "this album is shit, the lyrics are shallow and the vocals are harsh", would wear thin pretty quickly. But to crack it in that kind of business I'd have to conjure absurd illusions and similes to describe what I could quickly say is "good" or "bad" - and whilst right now that's a daunting prospect, the very fact that I've set this up is perhaps scope for that to flourish.

Well, we'll see.


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