Hard-Fi - Killer Sounds
There needn't be too much imagination required to observe how fickle the UK indie press can be with a band: Hard-Fi have gone from the hot up-and-coming "thoroughly innovative, post-Millennial urban horrorscape" to... somewhere off the radar entirely. But anyone around in 2005 and 2007 will have been aware of some rather decent singles in the way of "Ready for the Weekend", "Cash Machine" and "Hard to Beat", so it's not like they were an entirely random phase (see: Art Brut). With Killer Sounds , though, the band are in a hard-to-come-by experimental phase and the record has electropop (probably thanks to producer Stuart Price), disco funk and even a dollop of Primal Scream.
So we'll start off with the scream. Single 'Good for Nothing' was a pleasant surprise to just about everybody - snowballing airplay from Zane Lowe and Soccer AM (perhaps predictably) - with its almost Beastie Boys instrumental dominated by percussion...