Two Door Cinema Club - Beacon
If you're British and have, perchance, watched something on BBC Three over the past 2 years, it's almost certain that you'll have heard a track from Two Door Cinema Club's debut album Tourist History . Granted, it was an album full to the brim with memorable little tunes that were worthy of such promotional appearances, but their sound soon wore thin. I could quite happily go the rest of my life without hearing I Can Talk again, for example. And so the Northern Irish trio move onto their third release (Tourist History was technically their second after a 2009 EP named Four Words to Stand On ) in as many years: although guaranteed success now with their huge media coverage, not to mention frontman Alex Trimble's showcasing at the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony (singing Caliban's Dream ) will the album match up to those exciting little tunes? there were meant to be at least 3 paragraphs here but the album bored me sorry The record's an odd one ...