Two Door Cinema Club - Beacon

If you're British and have, perchance, watched something on BBC Three over the past 2 years, it's almost certain that you'll have heard a track from Two Door Cinema Club's debut album Tourist History. Granted, it was an album full to the brim with memorable little tunes that were worthy of such promotional appearances, but their sound soon wore thin. I could quite happily go the rest of my life without hearing I Can Talk again, for example.

And so the Northern Irish trio move onto their third release (Tourist History was technically their second after a 2009 EP named Four Words to Stand On) in as many years: although guaranteed success now with their huge media coverage, not to mention frontman Alex Trimble's showcasing at the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony (singing Caliban's Dream) will the album match up to those exciting little tunes?

there were meant to be at least 3 paragraphs here but the album bored me sorry

The record's an odd one - there are echoes of melodies and chord progressions that we saw on Tourist History. It's just that, and this is the case with their debut too, there's nothing really here of any substance or enduring worth that I'm able to pluck out of the air. It's all very listenable and somewhat enjoyable but I'm never going to look back on 2012 (or indeed 2010) as "the year of Two Door Cinema Club", if you will. They do well to remind us of the true meaning of mediocrity.

Rating: 5/10
Highlights: Spring, The World is Watching, Sleep Alone
Avoid: Sun, Pyramid

Artwork Watch: At last, the true details of Marilyn Monroe's death emerge.
Up next: Mika  


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