Clark - Clark

OK can we all look away and pretend I'm not jumping straight in on an artist's seventh album because it was on Pitchfork's best new music feature? Please? That would be lovely.

Some albums are difficult to put into words. Clark is one of those albums. So, let me summarise by saying that I massively enjoy:
  • the way 'Banjo' sounds like Alice Practice's happier little sister.
  • how 'Petroleum Tinged' is basically the entirety of the movie Drive ground into one quick nutshell.
  • The entirety of 'The Grit in the Pearl'. Says Mr. Clark: "I hypnotised myself with it, couldn't stop listening to it. Part of me sort of wishes the whole album was just this improvised loop."
  • the bouncy bounce bounce..
  • ...

And so, in the first of four hundred reviews to actually dare to use bullet points, please let's all retire and listen to Clark in silence.

Rating: 8/10
Highlights: The Grit in the Pearl; Winter Linn; Unfurla; Silvered Iris; There's a Distance in You
Avoid: n/a

Artwork Watch: AND WHY IS HE ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WITH BLACKFACE? An angry teenager screams, putting away some facepaints for Halloween 2015.
Up next: Sam Smith  


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