Jay Z - Magna Carta Holy Grail

The aftermath of Watch the Throne left the world's two most successful and (almost) most revered rappers in the awkward position of trying to fight for it. The snipes between the two were small but noticeable: Kanye's choice of words in a freestyle breakdown in London - "I got love for HOV, but I ain't fucking with that Suit and Tie" - might not have attacked the man himself, but it left their friendship a little in question.

Of course, by hip hop standards this was a relatively minor schism, and I'm sure they still play golf together (or whatever it is that they do whilst trying to remain at least slightly relatable to their fans). But now both have come back fighting with their solo efforts, it would appear that one's trying a lot harder than the other. In amongst all the Samsung exclusive deals, sports management agencies, and promotional songs featuring his 2-day old daughter, Carter seems to have lost all interest in making compelling music.
I got love for Hov, but I ain't fucking with that 'Suit & Tie'
Read more at http://www.nme.com/news/kanye-west/68882#UmXdzlq9bOA7wBEu.99
I got love for Hov, but I ain't fucking with that 'Suit & Tie'.
Read more at http://www.nme.com/news/kanye-west/68882#UmXdzlq9bOA7wBEu.99
I got love for Hov, but I ain't fucking with that 'Suit & Tie'.
Read more at http://www.nme.com/news/kanye-west/68882#UmXdzlq9bOA7wBEu.99
I got love for Hov, but I ain't fucking with that 'Suit & Tie'.
Read more at http://www.nme.com/news/kanye-west/68882#UmXdzlq9bOA7wBEu.99

Continuing his string of overwraught, serious nonsense, Justin Timberlake opens with the hit single 'Holy Grail'. Referencing Smells Like Teen Spirit in the most inane way imaginable, it has a certain rattle and clang about it that makes it listenable, but it's not close to either of their best potential. Then comes the monotonous drudge and slavery to buying art because it's expensive, 'Picasso Baby', a fastforwarding of Adrian Younge's Sirens courtesy of more-than-occasionally-lazy-recently Timbaland. There's at least an interesting rework going on with 'Tom Ford', a sort of Hot Chip take on M.I.A.'s Bad Girls, where Jay laughs off modern phenomena ("fuck hashtags and retweets, hundred and forty characters in these streets") and bags himself some free clothes, most likely. Consistently on-form Rick Ross lends some level of capability to 'FuckWithMeYouKnowIGotIt', before the even hotter Frank Ocean on, uh, 'Oceans' actually gives us something to listen to. It actually takes him until 'F.U.T.W.' to put in verses that are worthwhile, but even then the beat's not entirely working.

A series of in-jokes and shoulder-nudges only add to the overwhelming distance between artist and listener: on 'Beach is Better' he jokes "girl, for as long as you took [putting on makeup] you better look like Halle Berry" before a noted pause and then singing "or Beyonce..." it probably went down a hit in the studio and made a few people chuckle, but if that's the best shot at humour then lord help us. He references Miley's twerks on 'SomewhereinAmerica', and finds himself latin-dancing on the Pharrell-produced over-egged nonsense 'BBC'. The decade-old Bonnie and Clyde story gets an unnecessary sequel with 'Part II (On the Run)' where Bey and Jay find themselves making love whilst they hear sirens. How lovely.

It's not all underwhelming; there are small shots at swagger here and there. The one-two of 'Heaven' and 'Crown' are production hits, and give Jay some fire to flare through his nose. He saves the best for last, though, with a... well, not reworking, but the use of Gonjasufi's Nikels and Dimes.

It's just a shame that one of the 90s' most explosive talents has become someone so preoccupied with money, and so boring. He could have at least called it Magna Carter!? It's not as if brags and boasts automatically make a bad record, but what made Watch the Throne and Yeezus so compelling were their productions, the fury with which lines were delivered, and the actual attempts at social awareness. Here, there are just lazy pop culture references and a shopping list.

Rating: 4/10
Highlights: Nickels and Dimes; FuckWithMeYouKnowIGotIt; Oceans; Heaven; Crown
Avoid: Picasso Baby; BBC; La Familia; Part II (On the Run); Tom Ford

Artwork Watch: I'm Jay Z and I went to a museum once. 
Up next: Thundercat


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