Music in 2012: Miscellaneous [5 Biggest Disappointments etc]
I've given you my little doses of celebratory accolades already this festive period, so I guess it now falls to me to herald in the new year with a couple of miscellaneous awards. First off, I'll announce my worst ten albums of the year, before analysing some disappointments, some failed hypes, and what to look out for in 2013. Let's dig in. #10 - "Streets in the Sky", the Enemy I'm usually quite patient with the Enemy because a lot of the critical press have written them off entirely, but to be fair to them their debut album We'll Live and Die in these Towns was wonderful. This was not. Repetitive, uneventful dirge. #9 - "Lex Hives", The Hives Terrible, terrible, monotonous nonsense. Hate it. #8 - "#3", The Script The same GCSE student poetry placed over the same five chord progressions and the most tedious thing to come out of Ireland since ... well, Jedwar d. #7 - "Sounds from ...