Death Grips - No Love Deep Web

Okay, so people who've met me and known me for a long time can vouch for the fact that I'm about the least likely person to really get swept up by a hip hop album. People who read this site regularly will probably take me as a skin-deep hip hop fan with no real knowledge of the genre beyond an affection for some recent albums. The whole online community genuinely scares me - I've had death threats before, and that's not really something you get when you piss off an Elbow fan.

Somehow the whole record label drama passed me by this year and, after deciding that it was too late to review the very good The Money Store, I'll treat this album as my initiation to the Sacramento duo. 

so like

it's pretty rare now that i'll find a new band and be like "this shit blows my mind" in a totally new, alien way.

and I tried to follow my usual format of saying "this is for fans of..." below and found myself stuck for about 5 minutes. If you look at them as having the noise level of Crystal Castles, the calm reticence over the mayhem of Faithless, and the plain old brilliant delivery of Public Enemy in their prime, then that might do them some justice.

in a way I'm still chewing over them because I doubt I'll *get* everything for a while, but in the same way that Lana del Rey was 2011's sole legit. hypewagon I hopped aboard, hopefully these are this year's. Not that I want them to suddenly sing shite live on SNL or promise their penises taste of Mountain Dew or whatever.

in short: I am going to go and listen to 'Lock Your Doors' about 50 times now and the rest of the album at least 20.

Rating: 8.5/10
Highlights: Lock Your Doors, Bass Rattles Stars out the Sky, No Love, Black Dice, Come Up and Get Me, Deep Web
Avoid: n/a

Artwork Watch: Well I like it. [it doesn't have a red tick on, it's just Google turns out to be quite anti-penis when it comes to art. Loads to be found elsewhere though. Apparently.]
For fans of: Crystal Castles, Faithless, Dan le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip, Public Enemy
Up next: Rihanna


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